George Brocklehurst Writing

All blog posts

  1. Tab completion in GNU Readline: Ruby edition ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  2. Recommending blog posts with machine learning ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  3. What is Machine Learning? ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  4. Named Entity Recognition ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  5. PostgreSQL's Foreign Data Wrapper ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  6. Tab completion in GNU Readline ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  7. Auto-squashing Git Commits ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  8. HTTP Safety Doesn't Happen by Accident ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  9. Announcing Goal-Oriented Git ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  10. The magic behind configure, make, make install ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  11. Announcing gitsh ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  12. Compare Commits Between Git Branches ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  13. Testing Null Objects ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  14. Renderable Null Objects ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  15. Class-Based Generic Views in Django ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  16. Vimulator ( on the thoughtbot blog)
  17. Useful Git aliases ()
  18. Git browse: An interactive git blame tool ()
  19. Iconic reborn ()
  20. Git and Vim ()
  21. Managing Heroku deployments ()
  22. Spriter: Easy CSS sprites ()
  23. Testing microformats in Rails applications with assert-microformats ()
  24. XFN and the rev attribute ()
  25. Open Hack London: XFN Profile Discovery ()
  26. Lastify: More hacking ()
  27. Hack Day: Scrobbling Spotify ()
  28. Brand new blog ()
  29. Enhanced hCalendar download links ()